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AMP Mortage
Foreign National

Solutions for non-us citizen borrowers living overseas

Qualify on Asset Qualification or DSCR

Second Homes and Investment Properties

Max. 75% LTV on purchases and 70% on refinances

No limit on cash out up to 60% LTV, over 60% LTV, max cash out $750k

Cash-Out Max 65% LTV

Vesting in an entity (LLC, partnership, corporation) allowed

Min. 660 FICO

A U.S. visa is required

DSCRs down to 0.75 allowed on DSCR

Escrow for taxes/insurance required

Min. 680 FICO or Foreign credit allowed

ACH from a U.S. bank account required

150% of loan amount in post-closing assets on Asset Qualification

Loan Amounts up to $3MM

1–4-unit properties, warrantable condos, PUDs, and certain non-warrantable condos/condotels allowed
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